Jay And Debra Zachter
Ohel Champions Award
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor.
Your commitment to making chesed a priority is a shining example to us all.
You lead by example and continue to inspire.
May you continue to make an impact on Ohel and the Jewish community
and may itRead more
Marc And Sheera Herskowitz
Corporate Honorees
Your spirit, enthusiasm, and commitment help drive Ohel to be the best.
We thank you for your dedication and involvement in many Ohel events.
May you and your family be blessed with many years of health, happiness and nachas for all you do.
Thank you
Kestenbaum Family International Children's Services
Thank you
Zachter Family National Trauma Center
Thank you
Brecher Family South Florida Trauma Services
Abba And Mommy
The dedication and support you have for the Ohel family is truly inspiring.
You have always been a shining example of how בני תורה act and we are fortunate enough to see it every single day. Thank you for being the best parents one can ask for.
May הקב"ה blessRead more
Boruch, Shmuel, Rae, Kayla, & Moshe
Marc Herskowitz
Your dedication and hard work for our family is immeasurable. Your efforts on behalf of others knows no bounds. You should continue to inspire all who know and love you. May Hashem bentch you with koach to continue in good health.
Abba & Mommy Herskowitz
Thank you for all the incredible work you do to benefit the Ohel family and כלל ישראל. We are so lucky to have you as our role models. We look up to you in every way and look forward to bringing you much continued נחת. Thank you for everything!
We can't wait toRead more
Kayla & Boruch
Moreh D'Asrah, Ohel
Our tradition behooves us to emulate the attributes of our Patriarchs.
Avrohom Avinu represents the attribute of חסד - Loving kindness.
Yitzchok Avinu that of יראה- Fear of G-d.
Yaakov Avinu, according to some, the proper blend of the attributesRead more
Meir Shalom And Sheera
Congratulations to our dear Meir Shalom and Sheera and all the honorees on this well deserved achievement.
May you go מחיל אל חיל.
Continue in your good service to Ohel with Hatzlocha, Gezint and Yiddishe Nachas from your family.
Abba & Mommy Goldreich
Congratulations To
Sheera And Marc Herskowitz
Upon receiving the coveted
Corporate Honoree Award
We have watched Meir Shalom grow up to be
an upstanding and contributing member of Klal Yisroel.
He is a valued Board Member at Ohel for many years and serves as Chair ofRead more
Elie And Cindy Becker
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
In Honor Of
Steven C. Bush
Chairman, President, CEO Of Apple Bank
You are the consummate gentleman and a very strong leader.
Apple Bank’s twenty-five years of friendship and support of Ohel has been steadfast.
Thank you for your generous support of Ohel’s employment training program for individuals withRead more
David Mandel, Chief Executive Officer
Gloria, Alicia, Danny & Yakoby Family
Camp Kaylie in its 14th Year is thankfully continually expanding, gaining strength, reaching more communities throughout the US, Israel and the world.
The Kaylie and Yakoby legacy, and Harvey’s A'H and your vision,
is synonymous with true integration ofRead more
Mel & Jay
Your leadership, and that of Ohel's Board of Directors,
shines with vigor and wisdom every day.
You encourage Ohel employees at all levels
to lead and perform at the highest level.
Together we serve thousands of individuals and familiesRead more
Reuven And Chani Moskowitz
We greatly appreciate the generous support of
Reuven and Chani Moskowitz
for continually enhancing the life of all the ladies
at the Carman Avenue home and Ohel.
In Honor Of Our Dear
Debra And Jay Zachter
We are very proud of you and all you do.
Your home is steeped in Torah, Avodah and גמילות חסדים.
May הקב"ה give you good health to continue your Avodas HaKodesh and enjoy much nachas from your beautiful children, Talia, Eliana and Dovi.
Mazel Tov toRead more
Aunt Phyllis And Uncle Moishe
Cindy And Elie Becker
Elana And Yaakov Zachter
Mindy And Yehuda Zachter
Dear Moishe, Thank you for continuing your important work as Ohel’s President Emeritus and
Ombudsman. You ensure that all who call who seek Ohel’s services receive
the life-changing support they need. In your more than four decades at Ohel
youRead more
Rav Dovid And Rebbetzin Leah Cohen
We wish
Rav Dovid and Rebbetzin Leah Cohen
אריכות ימים ושנים בריאות וחיזוק
To continue to be Ohel’s Manhig for many years to come.
Our Hakaros Hatov to you knows no bounds.
We recognize the special blessing we have beenRead more
Mazel Tov To
Our Guests Of Honor
Hon. Samuel And Monica Nahmias
Thank you for stepping forward to assist
the thousands of children and adults
who need Ohel’s assistance.
May 'ה give you good health to continue
all your wonderful acts of kindness.
And Family
Sam & Monica Nahmias
Guests Of Honor
Co-Chairman Of The Board, Ohel
Chairman Of The Board, Camp Kaylie
Mazel Tov To
Jay Kestenbaum
On continuing being Co-President of Ohel. Your dedication to the children and families of Ohel is monumental. It is truly an honor to call you my Co-President.
May Hashem give you and Chani good health to continue your wonderful acts of chesed and enjoy much nachasRead more
Elie And Cindy Becker
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
With Great Appreciation To
The Presidium Of Our Board Of Directors
Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum, Co-Presidents
Moishe Hellman, President Emeritus and Ombudsman
Moshe Zakheim, Elly Kleinman, Co-Chairmen
Lifetime Care Foundation
Maurice and Rose Halpern A'H, HonoraryRead more
Our Thanks to
Brett and Ilana Lipman
For their generous support of Ohel's work
including our trauma services in Israel
Co-Chairman Of The Board, Ohel
Chairman Of The Board, Camp Kaylie
HaRov Dovid Cohen
We have been privileged to know you for over 40 years
as you have been the Moreh D'Asrah of Ohel.
You have given Ohel and thousands of its clients
the proper direction in so many of life's critical circumstances.
May 'ה give you and your dearRead more
Cindy And Elie Becker
Elana And Yaakov Zachter
Mindy And Yehuda Zachter
Moishe Hellman
Thank you for your dedicated leadership as President of Ohel for 26 years!!
You are more than our ombudsman.
You are more than a mensch.
You are more than our special friend.
You are more than our leader.
You are more than the person we look upRead more
Elie And Cindy Becker
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congratulations to all of the honorees and to the entire Ohel team for all of the amazing things that you do
Gold Benefactor
Your encouragement, support, and guidance continues to help me and
so many at Ohel. The special care, concern and sensitivity you exhibit
as the Ombudsman for Ohel provides the highest level of help
to those seeking Ohel' s services. Thanks forRead more
Rav Dovid Cohen and His Rebbetzin
Thank you for 50+ years of incredible and brilliant guidance that you have given to help direct Ohel in the proper Derech for all the work it does.
May you and your family be blessed with many more years of good health, mazal andRead more
The Tireless Work Of The Ohel Staff
Keep up the great work!
All The Honorees
and special thanks to all the work done by The Mandels and The Kestenbaums.
In All Times Of Crisis,
Ohel’s Trauma Team
has responded in a moment’s notice and round-the-clock. The war in Israel, and the profound
ripple effect it is having worldwide, has shown the extent to which Ohel’s Trauma Team has
reached a new level in its ability to respond and excel.
With appreciation toRead more
Naftoli Lorch
Lynda Kadry
Sholom Baruch
and their staff
for all their hard work and tireless efforts
to “account and control” for all that goes on at Ohel and related entities.
Rosemil Healthcare
Steve Milstein
Zalmy Rosenberg
We have tremendous gratitude to you
for sponsoring Ohel' s Golf & Tennis Classic.
Your continued support of our annual golf and tennis outing enables us to
provide cutting edge services to thousands of individuals every day.
We appreciate your continuedRead more
David Mandel, CEO
Our Dear Parents And Grandparents, A'H
Morris and Ruth Sitzer תנצב"ה
Leo and Rose Zachter תנצב"ה
We are forever indebted to you for the love of
תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים
which were important parts of your lives, and which you implanted in your children.
May our involvement inRead more
Mel And Phyllis And Family
Bayit and Ohel
Are proud to collaborate to develop several homes for individuals Developmental Disabilities in Northern New Jersey with our partners
Adam Chill, Moshe Kinderlehrer,
Bassie Taubes, RickyRead more
Adam Lancer, COO Ohel
Joseph & Sheila Bistritzky And Family
And The
Rabbi Levi Bistritzky Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund
We salute
Joseph & Sheila Bistritzky and Family
and the
Rabbi Levi Bistritzky Memorial Camp Scholarship Fund
Your commitment has spread great happiness to children with disabilities and their families.
Thank you for bringing respite and joy toRead more
To Our Great Leader
David Mandel
For your special caring for each child.
For your working so well with the great staff.
For so skillfully putting all the pieces together.
For working with and leading the Board of Directors.
For your thoughtfulness and insights.
For yourRead more
In Honor Of
Our Dear Children, Grandchildren And Great Grandson
Elie And Cindy Becker & Family
Yaakov And Elana Zachter & Family
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter & Family
You represent the next links in the chain.
You are truly our greatest source of nachas.
It is our fervent wish that Hashem grant you good health
and the opportunity and ability to continue תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים.
Abba And Ema
Premium Corporate Sponsorship
In honor of David Mandel for his outstanding leadership of a wonderful organization.
With much appreciation for Reggi, Nicole, Yaakov, Miki and the rest of the excellent team.
FromRead more
Silver Benefactor
HaRav Dovid Cohen
We express our deepest Hakaros Hatov to HaRav Dovid Cohen Shlita,
Posek of Klal Yisrael, a giant of Torah and Chochma,
Responding for many decades to every person’s monumental life questions.
No one has ever called Rav Dovid with a "small" question.
Our thanksRead more
To My Dear Friends
Mel And Jay
For whom I have the utmost respect.
As Co-Presidents of Ohel, your leadership and guidance are integral.
Continue to have health, strength, wisdom and vision to lead Ohel onward in its important work.
Hindy And Eliyahu,
For 29 years we have danced and played together into the journey of the world of Ohel/ Bais Ezra
We changed the narrative of long grueling trips on the Staten Island expressway to brain storming sessions of how to improve and how to help everyone flourishRead more
Of Our Very Dear Friend,
Susan Jacobson A"H
Whose presence is sorely missed.
Susan was the epitome of תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים.
Her love for her family was unparalleled.
Nothing was too difficult for her to accomplish
when it came to David, Daniel and Briendy,
Ephraim and Adina,Read more
Corporate Sponsorship
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to Mayor Samuel and Monica Nahmias In appreciation of all your incredible work for our village and for the Jewish Community.
Ruby Benefactor
With Deep Gratitude And Sincere Hakaras HaTov To
David Mandel
the ultimate executive administrator who together with
his dedicated executive and administrative staff led by
Adam Lancer & Amy Bierig
and assisted so ably by the
Ohel Support Professionals and Office Staff
continue to navigateRead more
My Dear Wife Chani
My Dear Children and Grandchildren
and Especially to
My Dear Mother And Father, A"H
Thank you for your support and understanding, for all the time spent in the past,
and especially for the future, in allowing me the great Zechus of working with
so many of Ohel's incredible staff and leadership to help so many in need of Ohel's services andRead more
Monica & Sam Nahmias
Honoring Sam and Monica And thanking Jay Kestenbaum and david mandel for all their hard work and dedication
Huberfeld family
Ohel's Trauma Team and Leadership
As We, At The Current Time, Experience A Difficult Time
In Klal Yisroel And Especially In Eretz Yisroel,
BH, We Have Ohel Children's Home And Its Services in Trauma
to Step Up and Provide Essential Help for Those Affected
Both in EretzRead more
Moshe & Venezia Zakheim
Our Dear Friends
David And Susan Mandel
David's unique ability to effortlessly blend seemingly contradictory character traits
makes him the consummate CEO that Ohel depends on day in, day out.
David leads with compassion, yet remains disciplined.
Diplomatic, but with uncompromisingRead more
To My Wonderful Co-President,
Mel Zachter
Thanks for always leading the way and continuing to guide Ohel (and me).
Your commitment, attention to detail and outstanding values are appreciated by all.
May we continue together for many more years.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazal tov to our friends the Hon Sam and Monica Nahmias on your well deserved honor.
For all you do for the klal at large both what we see and even more behind the scenes.
You never shy away from the tough stuff and your generosity knows no bounds.
LawrenceRead more
In recognition and admiration for the
Board of Directors of Ohel Children’s Home
Led so ably by its Co-Presidents
Mel Zachter and Jay Kestenbaum
It is truly an honor to be associated with such dedicatedRead more
Moshe & Venezia Zakheim
Jay Kestenbaum And David Mandel
For all you do for Ohel and the community at large.
Lea And Jacob Sod
Eli And Sheri Brazil
Thank you for all your time and effort the ENTIRE year to ensure the kids have an amazing Kaylie
summer. For giving our kids the best summers that they talk about year round. For filling their cups with fun and positive adventures.
We are grateful to call you ourRead more
Lea And Jacob
Our Dear Children Debra And Jay
We are so proud of you.
Your dedication to Torah, mitzvos and chesed is an inspiration to all.
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue your good deeds on behalf of Ohel and Klal Yisrael for many years to come.
Mazel Tov!
In Memory Of Our Dear Friend
Miriam Weiss, A'H
She was dedicated to Ohel for many years
and took personal interest in the well-being of so many of our clients.
She brought a smile to those less fortunate
as well as everyone she came in contact with.
May she be a מליץRead more
In Honor of Our Rabbis
Rabbi Yaakov Lehrfield
and Rabbi Moshe Klein
Thank you for leading the Staten Island Community and so many others to great heights.
May Hashem give you good health to enjoy much nachas from your beautiful families.
Elie And Cindy Becker And Family,
Yaakov And Elana Zachter And Family,
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter And Family
Rozi And Moishe Hellman,
President Emeritus
In admiration of your lifelong 24/7 unselfish efforts, and devotion
in assisting all those in need of advice, support, and assistance.
You are both very special and unique individuals
who bring hope and comfort to many.
May all yourRead more
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
The recipients of this year's
Corporate Honoree Award.
You continue to inspire us with all that you do on behalf of the
community and Klal Yisroel.
May Hashem give you the strength to continue to do all that you do.
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazal Tov to our very good friends on this most special honor. May you forever to be a shining light and a source of inspiration for Klal Yisroel. May you continue to nobly serve OHEL with love and devotion and may Hashem grant you continued kindness, good health,Read more
In honor of the staff and residents of 226 Caryl Court
In Honor of the Staff and Administration of Ohel
In Honor of the Staff and Administration of Ohel for your Avodas Hakodesh
Emerald Benefactor
Mazal Tov To All The Honorees
May Hashem grant you good health and long life, and may you continue in the derech of
G'milas Chasadim.
A special Mazal Tov to David Mandel, Jay Kestenbaum, Moishe Hellman and the entire Ohel family for all your achievements.
Normandy Insurance Company.
Our Good Friends Moishe and Rozi Hellman
Ohel's Constant Champions
David Mandel, Jay Kestenbaum, And All The Honorees
May Hashem grant you all the strength to keep doing your vital work.
To David Mandel
I have been amazed at your unique style of leadership in encouraging, challenging and most
of all, supporting all those who formally have the leadership titles, but in reality, are all
standing firmly behind you. Your exemplary work, running the most incredibleRead more
Debra And Jay Sheera And Marc
Mazel Tov to Debra and Jay on this well-deserved honor. Your tireless efforts on behalf of the children of Ohel are remarkable.
Mazel Tov to Sheera and Marc for always being there to support Ohel. Infinity was among the earliest and most significant sponsors of theRead more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
May you continue to be a leader in the community and a leader in supporting generous and worthy organizations.
All the Honorees and the Magnificent Staff at Ohel
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees and the Magnificent Staff at Ohel
Working together we are all aspiring to assist Ohel in this magnificent, caring endeavor.
Our Friends Monica & Sam Nahmias
In honor of Mr. Moshe Pollak
and Mr. David Mandel
and in memory of Mrs. Rochel Pollak a"h
and Mr. Louis Tratner a"h
and we hope to learn from your examples.
Congratulations to all the honorees!
We are Deeply Grateful for the Love and Support which the Entire Ohel/Bais Ezra Team Has Provided for Many Years to Our Daughter Emunah Fox
Thanks to Tamar and Gwenda and their Staff at 1771 Ocean Avenue; and
Special Thanks to DAVID MANDEL andRead more
Jeremy And Miriam Fox
Aliza And Dr. Roniel Weinberg
Eytan And Alison Fox
Barry And Alona Katz
Richard Katz
All The Honorees
Warmest wishes of Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Opal Benefactor
our Parents
Phyllis and Mel Zachter
Whose work on behalf of Ohel is unsurpassed.
Their commitment to Mosdos Hatorah and Chesed
Are truly an example for all to emulate.
We are so proud of you.
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations on a well-deserved honor. We wish you all the best.
Thank you for everything that you do for us
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to our dear friends Sheera and Marc Herskowitz. May you go from strength to strength.
Aaron and Betsy Stein
Josh and Shani Farkas
Jeffrey Schwartz
Sam & Monica Nahmias
Congratulations to Samuel & Monica Nahmias
Moishe Hellman
Mel Zachter
David Mandel
Jay Kestenbaum
and the entire
Staff & Volunteers at Ohel
For doing such wonderful work for the כלל
Debra And Jay Zachter
David Mandel
And The Caring Staff Of 104 Cumberland
Sam And Monica
With best Wishes from your friends at Morrison Cohen LLP
In honor of
Sheera and Marc
Debra and Jay
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Your generosity and selfless commitment to Ohel and the broader community is commendable. Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor! May you continue to be a source of inspiration to us all.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
We join Ohel in honoring and thanking Monica & Sam Nahmias and Debra & Jay Zachter for their incredible contributions to the Ohel Family
Chai Sponsor
Moishe Hellman
David Mandel
Keep up the great work!
Sam And Monica Nahmias
Congratulations to Sam and Monica Nahmias upon receiving the award as Guests of Honor. You are a couple who takes responsibility and cares about the Klal. May you continue your holy work for many years to come and may you see much nachas from your beautiful children.
A special Yasher Koach to
Mel & Phyllis Zachter
for all your tireless efforts, support and commitment to Ohel.
The Staff at the 4224 12th Avenue Residence
In appreciation to each and every one of you
for all that you do to improve
the quality of the women's lives.
Yasher Kochachem
Meir Shalom And Sheera Herskowitz
Mazel Tov to Meir Shalom and Sheera Herskowitz on this well deserved honor. We have long admired your involvement with Ohel and other Mosdos. May Hakodosh Boruch Hu bless you with koach to continue your Avodas Hakodesh.
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to our dear cousins
Jay and Debra Zachter
You are a prime example of a couple who personifies Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasadim.
We have always admired your love of Torah, your respect for others and your true humbleness.
May you have gezunt andRead more
Elie And Cindy Becker
Yaakov And Elana Zachter
Yehuda And Mindy Zachter
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazel Tov to Infinity Land Services and Marc & Sheera. May you continue to be on the giving side of Tzedakah.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel tov Monica and Sam on this much deserved honor. Your efforts on behalf of Ohel as well as so many organizations and your community is inspiring. You should just have the strength and ability to continue to do good. Mazel Tov again- Amy & Ron Friedman
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor for this excellent organization. Keep it up. Rosenberg & Steinmetz PC
Marc And Sheera Herskowitz
Mazel tov to
Marc and Sheera Herskowitz
May you continue to be successful in all your endeavors
and see much nachas from your children
Goldmont Realty Corp.
Individuals Served By Ohel
Staff Member All Staff At Carmen Home
With much gratitude to an incredible organization with the most azaming people May you go from strength to greater strength
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Sheera and Marc Congratulations on this well deserved recognition. Your commitment to the Klal on local and global levels is unmatched. We are privileged to call you friends Yitzchok and Esti
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
To our dear Monica and Sam - We are so proud of all your good works! With love and brocho for continued hatzlocho
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
The world is a far better place with the two of you in it. Hatzlacha with everything !
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Board Member Jay Kestenbaum
Mazal Tov to our dear friends Monica and Sam Nahmias on your well- deserved tribute. We salute your dedication to Ohel, as well as your tireless efforts of behalf of the entire Jewish community. We are proud of and look forward to many years of your productive leadership.Read more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
All The Honorees
Congratulations To
The Honorees
for their inspiring support of Ohel,
an amazing organization!
And The Office Of
Lawrence, NY
Sheera and Meir Shalom
We are in awe of all that you do and are grateful to be part of your family. Yossi and Vardy Grunwald
David Mandel And Moishe Hellman
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Debra and Jay Zachter
upon this well deserved award
Your dedication to your Community, Shul, School and all Torah causes serve as a shining example to us all!
MayRead more
Shlomo And Monica Nahmias
Mazal Tov to Shlomo and Monica Nahmias on this well deserved honor.
Your dedication and contributions to Ohel and to our entire community is greatly appreciated
We are proud to be your friends!
Read more
Moshe Hellman
David Mandel
Keep up the great work!
David Mandel who truly defines the words of mensch and leadership
Reb Eli Brazil who puts his heart and soul into making camp the special place it is
Melissa Goldstoff nurse parRead more
Debra And Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov and thank you to Debra, Jay, and all the honorees for your selfless efforts with Ohel. We are so pleased to celebrate this night with you
Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum, Moishe Hellman, David Mandel And The Entire Board Of Ohel
For their wonderful accomplishments in helping to rebuild so many lives. We are proud to be a part of the Ohel Family.
Samuel & Monica Nahmias, Guests Of Honor
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz, Corporate Honoree
Debra & Jay Zachter, Ohel Champions Award
Special thanks to Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum and David Mandel and the entire Ohel Board of Directors for their years of dedicated leadership and many accomplishments and to all the members of Ohel staff who make such a difference each day in improving the quality of lifeRead more
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congratulations on a well deserved honor and wishing you and your family mazal and bracha
Board Member Opening The New Jersey Divison
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov to Debra and Jay on this well deserved honor.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
With Heartfelt Congratulations to Our Dear Friends Monica and Sam We are thrilled to celebrate Monica and Sam at the Ohel Annual Gala. Their dedication to Ohel and the Five Towns community speaks volumes about the kindness and warmth they bring to everything they do.Read more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
Wishing a warm Mazal Tov to all the honorees for their hard work and dedication to the Ohel Family!
Harvey z’l and Gloria Kaylie
All The Honorees
Monica And Sam Nahmias
Mazel Tov to Monica and Sam Nahmias on this most deserved honor. Your work on behalf of the children of Ohel, the Lawrence Community, and Klal Yisroel knows no bounds. Wishing you much health to be able to continue these great efforts ad meah v'esrim.
YasherRead more
Sheera And Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations, well deserved and best wishes!
The Development Team
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov and best wishes to Sam and Monica Nahmias.
Debra & Jay Zachter
Debra and Jay, Mazel Tov to you both on this amazing honor! You both really deserve this so much. Bassie and Adam Lewis
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to Sam & Monica Nachmias for all your efforts on behalf of the Entire community. Heshie & Bonnie Schertz
Individuals Served By Ohel
The Volunteers!
Congratulations to the Honorees and in appreciation of the Volunteers. From: Aim Hire, Employment with Dignity 488 Central Avenue, Suite 202 Cedarhurst, New York 11516 www.aim-hire.org |facebook| instagram| linkedin Info@aim-hire.org AIMHIRE
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
We salut and thank our extremely rare and dear friends Marc & Sheera For their many years of dedication to Ohel. You are loyal and dedicated friends who enrich, enhance, and brighten the lives of everyone around you. We hope to be just like you when we grow up! AllRead more
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Keep up your amazing work on behalf of the Klal!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations, well deserved and best wishes from your friends at AmTrust Title
David Mandel
All the Dedicated Ohel Staff
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
To our dear cousins and friends Meir Shalom and Sheera Herskowitz: Mazel Tov on this very well deserved honor. Your tireless work on behalf of Ohel and the work you do for the Klal is an inspiration to us all. May you continue to perform your boundless acts of Chesed.Read more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
To the Honorable Mayor Sam and First Lady of Lawrence Monica Nahmias Congratulations on this well-deserved honor! We are glad to have you as our friends, neighbors, and Mayor!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
B”H Mazel Tov to our dear friends Marc & Sheera Herskowitz on this most deserving honor You are truly inspirational and we are so proud of you! May Hashem continue to grant you the Koach and the means to carry on all of the Chessed that you do for Klal YisroelRead more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazal Tov to our Dear friends Shlomo & Malki on this well deserved honor.
David Mandel
& The Wonderful Staff At Ohel
For all the wonderful work! Daniel and Moshe are so well taken care of, and it's clear that they are in the best hands. Your dedication and care mean the world to us.
Debra And Jay Zachter
To our dear friends
Debra and Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov on your honor by Ohel Children Homes and Family Services.
You're dedicated role models of torah, avodah, and chesed,
You embody these values daily and truly enhance the lives of all those around you.
WeRead more
Rochel & Yisachar Greenberg
Ruchie Swartz
Susan & Ephraim Weingarten. Shmulie And Rochelle Klier
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congratulations to Sam and Monica Nahmias and Jay and Debra Zachter May you continue to always be able to help and support worthy organizations like Ohel.
Debra And Jay Zachter, And Sheera And Marc Herskowitz
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Debra and Jay Zachter, and Sheera and Marc Herskowitz on being honored. Yasher Koach to the honorees, for their act of kindness and admirable generosity. Hakoras Hatov to Mel and Phyllis Zachter for all their continued involvement, andRead more
Moishe Hellman, Mel Zachter, Jay Kestenbaum David Mandel, Harriet Blank
and all the wonderful honorees
Your holy work is a source of inspiration. It is a privilege to work with you as counsel to the Lifetime Care Foundation Trusts.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Hon. Sam and Malky Nahmias on this well-deserved Honor, With Hakaras Hatov for your kindness, support, commitment and generosity to Ohel and the entire Community.
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
For this most deserving honor and for all that you guys do on behalf of the klal! With admiration,
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov Jay and Debra on this Honor Your work for Ohel and the community at large is something that we all applaud and strive to match. Appreciate the friendship and partnership May you always be able to continue giving.
Debra & Jay Zachter
We are extremely proud of you. You care for and are empathetic to all people. You and your children, Eliana, Talia and Dov, have actively participated in fostering joy among Camp Kaylie Campers. You have championed many additional aspects of Ohel's amazing programs withRead more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Congratulations to our dear friends Sam and Monica on this most deserving honor. Your dedication, leadership, and generosity to your friends, and the community, is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
In honor of our dear friends, Sheera and Marc Herskowitz, for this well-deserved recognition. May you and your family continue to be benched with Bracha and Hatzlacha. Keep shining and inspiring!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to the Honorable Samuel and First Lady Monica Nahmias on this well deserved honor. Your generosity, leadership, and friendship are an inspiration to all who know you. May HKBH give you both the strength to continue in your many philanthropic and communalRead more
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
In honor of our dear friends Marc and Sheera May you continue doing amazing things for the world. We are proud to be your friends
To the Guest of Honor,
Samuel & Monica Nahmias
on a most well-deserved honor.
Your unwavering dedication and generosity continue to inspire and uplift the community.
May you continue to be able to do for the tzibur forRead more
Toby Feiner
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
In honor of Monica & Sam Nahmias and Debra & Jay Zachter May you continue your עבודת הקודש
עד מאה ועשרים שנה
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazal Tov to Debra and Jay Zachter , Recipients of the Ohel Champions Award. Mazel Tov to Hono Samuel and Monica Nahmias and to Sheera and Marc Herskowitz. Continued hatzlacha to our dear friends Phyllis and Mel Zachter with their important work for Ohel. May they haveRead more
Debra and Jay Zachter
Mayor Shlomo & Monica Nahmias
We are proud to call you our friends.
David Mandel
We are proud to be considered amongst your friends
In Honor Of Our Dear Friends,
Debra And Jay Zachter
It is with profound admiration and joy that we celebrate Debra and Jay Zachter as they are honored by Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. Debra and Jay are pillars of our community, embodying the essence of selfless service and unwavering compassion. Their quietRead more
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
For their tireless efforts and dedication to the children of Ohel.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
Yaakov Fried
Thank you for your support of and dedication to Ohel's cybersecurity initiatives.
Debra & Jay Zachter
Board Member Mel Zachter
In honor of Jay and Debra Zachter we admire all the good work you do on behalf of the Jewish people. We also honor your uncle Mel Zachter and all that he has done for Ohel.
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov to our Cousins, Debra and Jay Zachter on receiving the Ohel Champions Award. May you continue all your chesed and hard work to Ohel and the greater Jewish community for many years to come in good health.
Debra And Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov
Sam And Monica
In tribute to all the honorees
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel tov Malki and Shlomo on your well-deserved honor. Your dedication to Chesed and constant support to those in need are an inspiration to all. Through your boundless kindness, you have touched countless lives in the community. Wishing you Bracha and Hatzlacha in allRead more
Staff Member Amy Bierig
Honoring Amy Bierig and her amazing team at Ohel!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel tov Debra and Jay on this well deserved honor! May you continue to always be a source of guidance and assistance to others as you are for Ohel.
Debra & Jay Zachter
David Mandel, Adam Lancer, Tammy Kornfeld, Lee Niren, Eli Skoczylas, Lisa Sheinhouse
And All The Individuals Served By Ohel
Mazal Tov to Debra & Jay Zachter, Sheera & Marc Herskowitz, and all of the honorees. Yashar Koach to David Mandel, Amy Bierig, Adam Lancer, Tammy Kornfeld, Lee Niren, Eli Skoczylas, Abbie Cohen, and Lisa Sheinhouse for all your efforts to grow and expand Ohel toRead more
Individuals Served By Ohel and the Ohel Bais Ezra staff
Harriet Blank LCSW, Director Of Older Adult Services
In honor of Harriet Blank, and her vision, commitment, and dedication to enlightening the lives, minds and hearts of seniors. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of her team.
With great appreciation, Michal Horowitz.
And mazal tov toRead more
Jay Kestenbaum
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Our greatest admiration as you constantly show your sincere care and concern for those in need. You are indeed an example to all! May Hakodosh Baruch Hu give you strength to continue all of your Maasim Tovim!
Mazel Tov on this special tribute!
Shloime And Reva Feintuch
Moishe And Michal Goldreich And Families
Debra & Jay Zachter
In Honor of Our Brother and Sister-in-Law Sheera & Marc
We are so proud to celebrate our incredible brother and sister-in-law, Sheera and Marc, for their unwavering dedication to Ohel and the impact they have on the entireRead more
Aryeh, Rena, Mindy, Avi, Estee, Chaim Ozer, Dani, And Rosie
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazal Tov Monica and Samuel on this well deserved honor!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to Debra and Jay on this well-deserved honor.
Your hard work and dedication to Ohel is truly inspirational.
Thank you for all the great things you do for the Jewish community.
Marc And Sheera Herskowitz
In honor of our dear friends,
Sheera and Marc Herskowitz,
Who continue to give their hearts to the community. May you be zoche to continue in your ways and may HKB"H repay you with much bracha and hatzlacha.
Avrumy and Blimie Lowy
Marc And Sheera Herskowitz
Dear Marc & Sheera,
May you continue to lead by example.
We are lucky to call you our friends.
Chaim & Rivky Tepler
Mazal tov to all the Honorees! Best wishes to Ohel, its administration and its clients.
Debra And Jay Zachter,
Your "Shem Tov" preceeds you, you truly are champions of Ohel!
"Aunt Sheila" and "Uncle Albie" Zachter, you are both an integral part of our family and a direct link to our mother a"h.
Phyllis and Mel Zachter, to all, you both and Ohel areRead more
Yossi Grossman, Moishe & Mindy Weiss, Yitzchok & Gitty Grossman, Yossi & Shaindy Perlow
Debra & Jay Zachter
In honor of our dear friends
Jay and Debra Zachter
Your kindness and chesed are a true inspiration to all.
May Hashem grant you continued success and bracha.
We gather together in the pre-dawn hours.
A small group.
In a small room.
In a small town.
Matching your quiet demeaner, yet in stark contrast to the depth and breadth of knowledge you contain.
Your youthful energy and barely containedRead more
Celebrating Marc and Sheera Hershkowitz, we honor their exceptional dedication and contributions to the community, recognizing their tremendous positive impact through Ohel's well-deserved tribute.
Outstanding in their compassion and leadership, Marc and SheeraRead more
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
In Honor of our dear friends MARC & SHEERA HERSKOWITZ upon a much deserved award May Hashem grant you the strength & good health to continue your noble acts of Tzedakah & Chesed for many years to come. Yossie & Breindy Lerman
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations to Sheera and Marc on this well deserved honor!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations to Marc and Sheera Herskowitz on this well-deserved honor. May you continue your great efforts for Ohel and the community.
Michael Hoffman, Ari Kenigsberg, and the entire Ohel Technology Team.
Mel And Phyllis Zachter
who give so much of their time and effort to support Ohel and so many other crucial mosdos and organizations.
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
In Honor of Meir Shalom and Sheera, An extraordinary couple deserving of all honors. May you be granted the strength and good health to continue your klal work while also raising a uniquely beautiful family. We are so proud to call you our friends! With admiration, ItzikRead more
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
In honor of Monica and Sam Nahmias mazal tov on this very meaningful honor may you continue m'chayal l'chayal Joe and Jenny Felder
Debra & Jay Zachter
Dear Debra & Jay May your selflessness and leadership continue to illuminate our community!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Board Member Mel & Phyllis Zachter
With great feelings of appreciation to the entire Administration, Board & Staff of Ohel Bais Ezra And with special recognition to the amazing & dedicated staff at East 26th Street
for your devotion & tireless efforts on behalf of Yitzy and our family. You have impacted our lives in such a big way and our gratitude is boundless. May you continue to service our community in such a significant way and be זוכה to gezunt, continued הצלחה and נחתRead more
Debra & Jay Zachter
To our dear friends Debra & Jay Mazel tov on this meaningful honor! You are a role model to us all for your community engagement and middos.
Mel And Phyllis Zachter
In Honor of our Dear Friends Mell and Phyllis May Hashem give you the strength and אריכת ימים to continue your Avodas HaKodesh Arlene and Ira Schwartz
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to Monica and Sam! Their hard work and devotion to the community knows no bounds! A well deserved honor! Love,
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazal Tov on your well deserved honors. May you continue to be a source of inspiration to your families, friends and communities.
Hats Off To Ohel East Broadway Residence Direct Support Professionals!
Thank you, Ohel, for helping us to help others!
Lynda Hill, East Broadway Secretary & Ohel Hero Of The Week April 2021
Sheera And Meir Shalom
on this well deserved honor.
May Hashem Bentch you with health and strength to continue to do all the amazing things you do
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
May you BOTH!! continue inspiring greatness in others from your wonderful benevolent projects BIZ 120. Dave
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
In honor of a very special couple that are always available to help others
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Mazel Tov and best wishes to the most deserving honorees Monica and Samuel Nahamias and Sheera and Marc Herskowitz. Thank you for all of your efforts and dedication to Ohel! Rachel and David Lyons
Compliments of The Law Office of Stephen M. Perlitsh 110 West 34th Street, Suite 300 New York, NY 10001 (212) 840-3878 stephen@perlitsh.com www.perlitsh.com Engaged in the Practice of Immigration and Naturalization Law
With deep appreciation for all Ohel has given to my son Matthew Ziegler and to the wonderful staff at 748 Ocean Parkway.
Rosin Steinhagen Mendel, PLLC congratulates OHEL on it's 55th Gala!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Dear Marc & Sheera , It is with great pleasure that we extend a Mazel Tov and warmest wishes to our dear friends Marc and Sheera Herskowitz on this much deserved honor. May you be blessed with the strength and good health to continue all of your great work on behalfRead more
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov to Debra and Jay on this well-deserved honor. You are true role models for all of us - quiet leaders, motivated to perform Chesed, and living life in line with Torah ideals. You inspire the best in everyone around you - we are fortunate to count you as ourRead more
Marc And Sheera
A couple who personifies being there for those in need.
You are both an inspiration in all that you do and the way you do it.
Thank you to the Amazing East 16th Street Staff
For your dedication, care and outstanding devotion to all the ladies in the home.
Special thanks to Moy, Shlomo and Aliza for always going above and beyond!!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Keep up the wonderful work you do to serve and help the klal. הקב”ה ישלם שכרכם With admiration,
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal tov to our dear friends Debra and Jay Zachter on this well deserved honor! Your dedication, commitment and boundless chesed to Klal Yisrael is an inspiration to all who know you. May you continue to be עוסקים בצרכי צבור for many years to come!
Debra And Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov to Debra and Jay Zachter on this well deserved honor. May הקב"ה grant you continued strength to do all that you do for Ohel and the community. You are true role models in every way.
Debra and Jay Zachter
In deep appreciation for all that Ohel and their team does for our community and Klal Yisroel
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congratulations to Debra and Jay Zachter on the Well-Deserved Honor. May You Continue in Your Good Work on behalf of Ohel and Klal Yisrael.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
MAZEL TOV to DEBRA and JAY ZACHTER, who have followed in the footsteps of their amazing families, the BERNER & the ZACHTER families, touching the lives & the hearts of so many! May you continue to inspire us through your involvement in OHEL! MAZEL TOV toRead more
The Wonderful Staff
Marvin Schnee, President Sundance Real Estate AdvisorsDebra And Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov on this wonderful honor
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Debra and Jay Zachter on this well deserved honor. Your Chesed and Ma'asim Tovim are inspiring. May you continue your good deeds on behalf of Ohel and the Jewish community for many years to come. Naomi and Haim Brandspiegel Keri and MayerRead more
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to our friends Debra and Jay Zachter on this well deserved award. We are proud of your commitment to this amazing organization!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
The Young Men Residing At 226 Caryl Court
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
In honor of all of your tireless work on behalf of the entire 5 town’s community
Infinity Land Services and Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Amazing honor for amazing people. May you continuously be blessed with the opportunity and ability to help Am Yisroel.
Marc And Sheera Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
G-d bless Debra, Jay and the entire precious Zachter families
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Congratulations on a well deserved honor. Wishing you much brocho & hatzlocho Leibi & Suri Schwimmer
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
For your untiring dedication and devotion to the building of klal Yisroel May hashem grant you the strength to continue in your avodas hakodesh
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov to Debra & Jay Zachter on this well-deserved award! May you continue your great work on behalf of your community and כלל ישראל!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal tov on this well deserved honor! Thanks for all you do for our community!!!
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Your dedication to the community is extremely commendable. Keep helping the Klal and doing amazing things for others. May HaShem only bench you and your family with shefa, bracha, and Simcha!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Debra & Jay Zachter on this well deserved honor. You are true role models and exemplify what it means to be involved in Chesed.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel tov to our mishpacha, chaverim, shadchanim, Malki and Shmuel Nahmias. Mazel tov to Rav Dovid and Rebbetzin Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. David Mandel, and all of the Ohelites. May Hashem bestow you with all good brachos.
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal tov to Debra & Jay on this well-deserved honor!
Mazel Tov To Marc And Sheera Herskowitz.
Well deserved honor. Continue your amazing work on behalf of the Klal
Marc And Sheera
You are the best people around, Hatzlacha in what you do! from your friend,
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal tov Zachters on this well deserved honor. We are so honored to be relatives and friends! May Hashem continue to give to strength to be the amazing people that you are. You are a true inspiration!
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov to Debra and Jay and all of the honorees !
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazal tov from your Congregation Beth Sholom Family
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazel Tov on this most deserving honor! Ora & Ray Sultan
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
Great work keep doing great things
Phyllis & Mel Zachter
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
May you continue your klal work in good health for years to come.
Debra And Jay Zachter
Debra and Jay Zachter
Debra & Jay Zachter
Yashar Koach on all your hard work you do for Ohel and Klal Yisroel
Debra & Jay Zachter
Debra & Jay Zachter
Debra & Jay Zachter
Congratulations on this well deserved honor
Sheera & Marc Herskowitz
congratulations on this well deserved Honor.
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov on this well deserved recognition!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Mazel Tov to our esteemed, energetic cousins upon this well-deserved honor! Keep up the great work! Janet & Sol
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
In honor of our dear friends Monica & Samuel Nahmias. Thank you everything you do, we’re honored to call you close friends.
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
Congratulations on this very well deserved honor. We're so sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you in person. So proud of all the work you do for such a wonderful organization (especially meaningful given that I used to work here) in addition to all of your otherRead more
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov upon receiving this award. We send our love, Phyllis Reich Elissa Reich Tovah and Daniel Reich Toby and David Reich
Debra & Jay Zachter
Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor!
Monica & Samuel Nahmias
In Honor of Samuel & Monica Nahmias Meisels, Kunstler, Picker & Auerbach CPA's PLLC
Debra & Jay Zachter
In honor of our dear friends Jay & Debra Zachter with best wishes for ברכה and הצלחה in all of your endeavors
Debra & Jay Zachter
In honor of a very special couple, committed to Torah and Chessed. May Hashem grant you much yiddishe nachas!