Providing safety, comfort, healing, and hope

Ohel provides critical services to Jewish women and their children who are victims of domestic violence or abuse. We have assisted hundreds of women in successfully rebuilding their lives with confidentiality and dignity. Calls for assistance can come from a family member, friend, neighbor, or the victim herself who decides to seek help.

Services we provide include:
  • Safe Dwelling/Shelter
  • Safety planning
  • One-on-one counseling
  • Support groups
Safe Dwelling/Shelter Programs
Safe Dwelling
/Shelter Programs
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Safe Dwelling/Shelter Programs

Ohel maintains a network of safe dwellings/shelters in New York City, offering kosher accommodations for a woman and her children. Addresses remain confidential and apartments are furnished with all the amenities of a private home.

By providing a safe and secure home environment, together with caring and professional support, women struggling with serious domestic violence or abuse have been able to rebuild their lives so that their families can thrive.

Need more information? Contact us